Media Molecule, created a game known as LittleBigPlanet. This is a unique game that allows the user to play other levels created by other player around the world, share ther own creative levels, and create levels as unique as they want it to be. This game does not require skill to play but just imagination. Since the release of this game, the very first week of the release the slaes of the Playstation 3 went up by 907% in one week. This sets the record to already the same amount of Xbox 360's sold also. So far Sony is trying their best to make the Playstation 3 as fun as it can be not to mention the fact that it has Blue-Ray reader built in which explains why the graphics are so intense. More information about this article can be read about at : http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/11/06/japan-stops-ignoring-the-ps3-sales-jump-900/
I myself have bought this game and find it very fun indeed. If there are any people out there that want to share their creative levels with me feel free to message my online Playstation ID :frozend33
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